Sugar Maple at Hansen Lake

Sugar Maple at Hansen Lake

Sugar Maple at Hansen Lake

Meet our Deer Friends.

A photo of our Deer Friends stopping by the bird feeder on a sunny, but cold day in March, 2024.

We are not the only residents of Sugar Maple at Hansen Lake by a long shot. And some of our favorite neighbors like to perambulate on four legs rather than two.

We call them our “Deer Friends” because they are that, and very dear to us too.

Seeing any deer—doe, buck, yearling or fawn—up here in the daytime is a great indicator of just how calm and peaceful this area is. With such low traffic by foot or vehicle makes it a lot more possible to view this shy creatures in their natural habitat. That they are regular visitors to Sugar Maple means we are doing things the right way here. They are my perfect “you’re doing a good job” barometer.

PS: that photo was taken straight from the couch in the Lake/Sun Room at Sugar Maple. Talk about easy photography!

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